Home 5T OTA Design

5T OTA Design

Assume we need to design an amplifier with the following specification.

  • Load capacitance \(C_L\).
  • Gain-bandwidth product \(f_u\).

Choose The Topology

Assume we choose the simple 5 transistor amplifier as the topology. Also we commonly use PMOS as the input differential pair because in many technologies:

  • With same \(g_m\) and \(I_d\), PMOS will have larges size, thus smaller offset.
  • N-well is more clean than the substrate.
  • PMOS have less flicker noise, because of the larger size and holes are far from surface or interface compared with electrons.

Choose The \(g_m/I_d\) Ratio For Each Transistor

If the focus is low noise (instead of small input capacitance), we will use larger \(g_m/I_d\) (e.g., 25) for the input differential pair. Since with the same current, they give us larger \(g_m\), thus smaller input referred voltage noise \(4kT\gamma / g_m\).

For the current mirror, we will use smaller \(g_m/I_d\), to reduce the current noise \(4kT \gamma g_m\). However, if \(g_m/I_d\) is too small, the transistor will need a large overdrive voltage, then a small head room for the amplifier. As a example we may choose \(g_m/I_d=16\) for the current mirror transistors.

Choose The Channel Length For Each Transistor

The choice of channel length is a bit arbitrary. In general longer channel will give higher intrinsic gain (\(g_m/g_{ds}\)). Usually we simulate the PMOS and NMOS seperately, to find the relation between channel length and intrinsic gain. In many technologies, intrinsic gain will increase until a certain channel length. We may choose such channel length as the initial design, to have enough gain without having too much parasitics.

Find The \(I_d/W\) Ratio For Each Transistor

At the same time, simulate the \(\dfrac{I_D}{W}\) vs. \(\dfrac{g_m}{I_D}\) plot, for the later width determination. Since we have decided the \(g_m/I_d\) ratio for each transistor, the \(I_d/W\) value can be found through the plot.

Find The First \(g_m\)

For the 5 transistor amplifier, the \(g_{mp}\) of the input differential pair can be determined by

\[2\pi f_u = A_v \cdot \omega_p = g_{mp} R_o \cdot \dfrac{1}{R_o C_L} = \dfrac{g_{mp}}{C_L}\] \[g_{mp} = 2\pi f_u C_L\]

Find All The Currents

We can use

\[I_{D} = \dfrac{g_{m}}{g_m/I_D}\]

to determine the current for the input differential pair. Then all the currents can be determined by the topology.

Find All the Width

We can use

\[W = \dfrac{I_D}{I_D/W}\]

to determine all the width of each transistor.

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