Home Applied Electromagnetics For Engineers 01

Applied Electromagnetics For Engineers 01


Lecture 01

Lecture 01 Youtube

Lecture 02

Lecture 02 Youtube

Circuit Model of Transmission Line

  • The model only include inductors on the one side.
  • However the calculatoin result will be the same

transmission line model transmission line model

Using KVL and KCL for the model

\[\begin{align} v(z) + L \Delta z \frac{\partial i(z,t)}{\partial t} + v(z+\Delta z) &= 0\\ i(z) - i(z+\Delta z) - C \Delta z \frac{\partial v(z+\Delta z)}{\partial t} &= 0 \end{align}\]

that is

\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial v(z,t)}{\partial z} &= -L \frac{\partial i(z,t)}{\partial t}\\ \frac{\partial i(z,t)}{\partial z} &= -C \frac{\partial v(z,t)}{\partial t} \end{align}\]

that is

\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial z^2} &= LC \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial t^2}\\ \frac{\partial^2 i}{\partial z^2} &= LC \frac{\partial^2 i}{\partial t^2} \end{align}\]

Lecture 03

Lecture 03 Youtube

Solution of Wave Equation

For the wave equation like the form

\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial z^2} &= LC \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial t^2} \end{align}\]

the solution is \(v(t,z) = f(t - \sqrt{LC} z)\) or \(v(t,z) = f(t + \sqrt{LC} z)\) with reasonable \(f(.)\)


\[v(t,z) = f(t-\sqrt{LC}z)\]

then the wave is travelling to the positive direction of \(z\), with phase velocity

\[\mu_{p} = \dfrac{\Delta z}{\Delta t} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}\]


\[v(t,z) = \cos(\omega t - \beta z)\]


\[\dfrac{\omega}{\beta} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}\]

Phasor Representation

If we assume all the signal have the same angular frequency \(\omega\), we can represent the signal by phasor. e.g., if the wave is transmited to the positive side of \(z\) axis,

\[\begin{align} V(z) &= V_0^{+} e^{-j\beta z}\\ I(z) &= I_0^{+} e^{-j\beta z} \end{align}\]

is the phasor representation of $v(z,t) = V_0^{+}\cos(\omega t - \beta z)$, and \(i(z,t) = I_0^{+}\cos(\omega t - \beta z)\)

using equation

\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial v(z,t)}{\partial z} &= -L \frac{\partial i(z,t)}{\partial t}\\ \end{align}\]

we can get

\[\begin{align} I_0^+ &= \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0}\\ Z_0 &= \sqrt{\frac{L}{C}} \end{align}\]

the \(\sqrt{L/C}\) is called characteristic impedance of the transmission line.

Lecture 04

Lecture 04 Youtube

Reflection Coefficient

assume the wave is the superposition of two directions

\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}(z) &= V_0^+ e^{-j\beta z} + V_0^- e^{j \beta z} \end{align}\]

then using equation

\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial v(z,t)}{\partial z} &= -L \frac{\partial i(z,t)}{\partial t}\\ \end{align}\]

we can get

\[\begin{align} \widetilde{I}(z) &= I_0^{+} e^{-j\beta z} + I_0^{-} e^{j\beta z}\\ &= \dfrac{V_{0}^+}{Z_0} e^{-j\beta z} - \dfrac{V_0^-}{Z_0} e^{j\beta z} \end{align}\]

now assume we put a load \(Z_L\) at \(z=0\) (the wave is coming from negative infinity size)

\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}(z=0) &= V_0^{+} + V_0^- = V_L\\ \widetilde{I}(z=0) &= \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} - \dfrac{V_0^-}{Z_0} = I_L\\ Z_L &= \dfrac{V_L}{I_L} \end{align}\]

from the equations we can get load reflection coefficient \(\Gamma_L\)

\[\Gamma_L = \dfrac{V_0^-}{V_0^+} = \dfrac{Z_L-Z_0}{Z_L+Z_0}\]
  • if \(Z_L = \infty\) (the T-line is terminated by open circuit)
\[\Gamma_L = 1\]


\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}(z) &= V_0^+ (e^{-j\beta z} + e^{j\beta z}) = 2 V_0^+ \cos\beta z\\ v(z,t) &= 2 V_0^+ \cos\beta z\cdot \cos\omega t \end{align}\]

the above is a standing wave.

  • if \(Z_L = 0\) (the T-line is terminated by short circuit)
\[\Gamma_L = -1\]


\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}(z) &= V_0^+(e^{-j\beta z} - e^{j\beta z}) = -2jV_0^+ \sin \beta z \end{align}\]
  • if \(Z_L = Z_0\)
\[\Gamma_L = 0\] \[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}(z) &= V_0^+ e^{-j\beta z}\\ v(z,t) &= V_0^+ \cos(\omega t - \beta t) \end{align}\]

Transmission Coefficient

transmissiom coefficient model transmission coefficient model

In the model we didn’t consider the reflected wave after \(Z_L\), since we assume the next load is at infinty, thus it will take very long time to reflect back. We already made calculation for \(V_i^+\) and \(V_r^-\) if there is a \(Z_L\). Now we want to determine \(V_t^+\).

\[\begin{align} V_i^+(z=0) + V_r^-(z=0) &= V_L = V_t^+(z=0)\\ \dfrac{V_i^+(z=0)}{Z_{01}} - \dfrac{V_r^-(z=0)}{Z_{01}} &= I_L + \dfrac{V_t^+(z=0)}{Z_{02}} \end{align}\]

you can get reflection coefficient

\[\begin{align} \dfrac{V_r^+(z=0)}{V_i^+(z=0)} &= \Gamma_L = \dfrac{Z_{L\Vert} - Z_{01}}{Z_{L\Vert} + Z_{01}} \end{align}\]


\[Z_{L\Vert} = \dfrac{Z_L Z_{02}}{Z_L + Z_{02}} = Z_L \Vert Z_{02}\]

and transmission coefficient

\[\tau = \dfrac{V_t^+(z=0)}{V_i^+(z=0)} = \dfrac{2Z_{L\Vert}}{Z_{L\Vert} + Z_{01}}\]

Lecture 05

Lecture 05 Youtube

A Paradox Example

Assume a ideal voltage source (at \(z=-l\)) with voltage \(V_s \cos \omega t\) to drive a lossless T-line. The other end (at \(z=0\)) is terminated by a scope (with infity impedance).

For the open circuit termination, reflection coefficient is 1, and

\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}_{line}(z) &= 2 V_0^+ \cos \beta z \end{align}\]

thus at \(z = 0\)

\[v(t) = 2 V_0^+ \cos\omega t\]

at \(z = -l\)

\[v(t) = 2 V_0^+ \cos \beta l \cdot \cos \omega t = V_s \cos \omega t\]


\[\begin{align} 2V_0^+ &= V_s / \cos\beta l \end{align}\]

then by choosing some \(l\), e.g., \(\beta l=\pi/2\) ,you can get infinity amplified voltage at the scope.

Real Voltage Source

Ideal voltage source doesn’t exist (otherwise it can provide infinity power to drive a short circuit load).

Now we assume the voltage source \(\widetilde{V}_{s}\) is followed by impedance \(Z_s\). And the load is modeled by \(Z_L\).

\[\widetilde{V}_s = \widetilde{I}_{line}(-l) \cdot Z_s + \widetilde{V}_{line}(-l)\]

if we assume \(Z_s = \infty\) (open circuit), we know \(\Gamma_L = 1\), and

\[\begin{align} V_0^+ &= V_0^-\\ \widetilde{V}_{line}(z) &= 2 V_0^+ \cos \beta z\\ \widetilde{I}_{line}(z) &= \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} e^{-j\beta z} - \dfrac{V_0^-}{Z_0} e^{j\beta z}\\ &= \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} e^{-j\beta z} - \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} e^{j\beta z} \end{align}\]

if we assume \(\beta l = \pi/2\)

\[\widetilde{V}_s = 2 j \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} \cdot Z_s\]


\[V_0^+ = -j\dfrac{Z_0}{2Z_s} \widetilde{V}_s\]

Line Impedance and Input Impedance

we know

\[\begin{align} \widetilde{V}_{line}(z) &= V_0^+ e^{-j\beta z} + V_0^- e^{j\beta z}\\ \widetilde{I}_{line}(z) &= \dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} e^{-j \beta z} - \dfrac{V_0^-}{Z_0} e^{j \beta z} \end{align}\]

define line impedance (note the difference between line impedance and characteristic impedance)

\[\begin{align} Z_{line}(z) &= \dfrac{\widetilde{V}_{line}(z)}{\widetilde{I}_{line}(z)}\\ &= \dfrac{V_0^+ e^{-j\beta z} + V_0^- e^{j\beta z}}{\dfrac{V_0^+}{Z_0} e^{-j \beta z} - \dfrac{V_0^-}{Z_0} e^{j \beta z}} \end{align}\]

thus we can find the input impedance

\[Z_{in} = Z_{line}(-l)\]


\[\begin{align} V_0^- &= \Gamma_L V_0^+\\ \Gamma_L &= \dfrac{Z_L - Z_0}{Z_L + Z_0} \end{align}\]

we have

\[\begin{align} Z_{in} &= Z_0 \Bigg( \dfrac{Z_L \cos \beta l + j Z_0 \sin \beta l}{Z_0 \cos \beta l + j Z_L \sin \beta l} \Bigg)\\ &= Z_0 \Bigg( \dfrac{Z_L + j Z_0 \tan \beta l}{Z_0 + j Z_L \tan \beta l} \Bigg) \end{align}\]

we call \(\beta l\) as electrical length.


A voltage source \(V_s = 10 \cos (\omega t + \pi/6)\), or phasor \(10 \cdot e^{j \pi/6}\)

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