

Coupling Effects

ISSCC 2024

Session 10: Frequency Synthesis

10.1 An 8.75GHz Fractional-N Digital PLL with a Reverse-Concavity Variable-Slope DTC Achieving 57.3fsrms Integrated Jitter and −252.4dB FoM

  • conventional variable slope dtc its linearity is limited by the slope-dependent propagation delay of the output buffer (comparator).
  • in practice, variable slope dtc can be implemented as rc delay, the delay is defined by the rc constant, thus it is linear with respect to either r or c. The slope dependent comparator delay can be mitigated by adding a fixed capacitance to reduce the slope variation. However, as discussed in the slides, adding fixed capacitance increases power and jitter.
  • In this paper, by adding a tail resistor to intentionally introduce an upward concavity nonlinear, the overall nonlinear can be reduced by combining the two different concavity.

10.2 A 5.5μs-Calibration-Time, Low-Jitter, and Compact-Area Fractional-N Digital PLL Using the Recursive-Least-Squares (RLS) Algorithm

  • for multi-variable lms calibration, the steps for different control should be much larger or smaller to avoid racing. As a result, the smallest step will suffer slow convergence.
  • proposed recursive-least-square, with dichotomous coordinate descent-based recursive-least-square, achieve fast convergence with small hardware complexity.

10.3 A 7GHz Digital PLL with Cascaded Fractional Divider and Pseudo-Differential DTC Achieving -62.1dBc Fractional Spur and 143.7fs Integrated Jitter

  • The proposed cascaded fractional divider, isn’t it the same as fcw subtractive dithering?
  • It doesn’t compare fractional spur with fcw subtractive dithering.
  • use differential dtc (why it is called “pseudo differential”)? Isn’t differential dtc has been implemented?

10.4 A 45.5fs-Integrated-Random-Jitter and -75dBc-Integer-Boundary-Spur BiCMOS Fractional-N PLL with Suppression of Fractional, Horn, and Wandering Spurs

  • prior art: successive requantizer, probability mass redistributor, time-invariant probability modulator, probability density shaping, enhanced nonlinear-induced noise performance.
  • another technique to mitigate fractional spur.

10.5 A 76 fsrms- Jitter and -65dBc- Fractional-Spur Fractional-N Sampling PLL Using a Nonlinearity-Replication Technique

ISSCC 2023

Session 32: Intelligent Biomedical Circuits and Systems

32.1 A Behind-The-Ear Patch-Type Mental Healthcare Integrated Interface with 275-Fold Input Impedance Boosting and Adaptive Multimodal Compensation Capabilities

  • Battery
  • Behind-The-Ear

32.7 Fascicle-Selective Bidirectional Peripheral Nerve Interface IC with 173dB FOM Noise-Shaping SAR ADCs and 1.38pJ/b Frequency-Multiplying Current-Ripple Radio Transmitter

  • Ultrasound Power
  • Nerve Cuff Electrodes

ISSCC 2022

Session 12: Monolithic System for Robot and Bio Applications

Session 20: Body and Brain Interfaces

20.5 A Miniaturized Wireless Neural Implant with Body-Coupled Data Transmission and Power Delivery for Freely Behaving Animals

  • Body-Coupled Communication
  • Body-Coupled Power Delivery

ISSCC 2020

Session 26: Biomedical Innovations

26.7 A 280µW 108dB DR Readout IC with Wireless Capacitive Powering Using a Dual-Output Regulating Rectifier for Implantable PPG Recording

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