Home Measure Theory 04

Measure Theory 04

Caratheodory’s Extension Theorem

We already know given a \(\sigma\)-additive \(\mu: \mathscr{S} \to [0,\infty]\), there is an unique extension to an algebra with \(\sigma\)-additive \(\nu: \mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S}) \to [0,\infty]\), with \(\nu(A) = \mu(A) \forall A \in \mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})\), in fact, the set function is

\[\nu(E) = \sum_{j=1}^{n}\mu(E_j)\]

where \(E_j \in \mathscr{S}\) and they are disjoint.

Next we will prove, given a \(\sigma\)-additive \(\nu: \mathscr{A} \to [0,\infty]\), if \(\Omega\) is \(\nu\) \(\sigma\)-finite, then there is an unique extension to an \(\sigma\)-algebra \(\pi: \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A}) \to [0,\infty]\), with \(\pi(A) = \nu(A) \forall A \in \mathscr{A}\).

We would

  • first define a set funtion on the whole \(\mathscr{P}(\Omega)\), called \(\pi^{*}: \mathscr{P}(\Omega) \to \mathbb{R}_+ \cup \{\infty\}\).

  • we can show \(\pi^{*}\) is an outer-measure, although it is not \(\sigma\)-additive.

  • then we will define a set \(\mathscr{M} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\Omega)\), such that

    • it satisfies \(\mathscr{M}\) is an \(\sigma\)-algebra and \(\mathscr{M} \supseteq \mathscr{A}\)

    • it satisfies \(\pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{M}}\) is \(\sigma\)-additive

    • it satisfies \(\pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})} = \nu\)

    • does \(\mathscr{M} = \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A})\)? No, we can see example that \(\mathscr{M}\) is strictly bigger than \(\mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A})\)

Outer Measure

A set function \(\mu: \mathscr{C} \to \mathbb{R}_+ \cup \{\infty\}\) is an outer measure if and only if

(i) \(\mu(\emptyset) = 0\)

(ii) \(E \subseteq F, E, F \in \mathscr{C} \quad \implies \quad \mu(E) \le \mu(F)\)

(iii) \(\mu\) is countable monotone: if \(\{E_j\}_{j=1}^{\infty}\) is a countable covering of \(E\), then \(\mu(E) \le \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \mu(E_j)\).

Step 1

We define a set function on the whole \(\mathscr{P}(\Omega)\), namely \(\pi^*: \mathscr{P}(\Omega) \to [0,\infty]\)

\[\pi^*(A) = \inf_{\{E_i\}} \sum_{i \ge 1} \nu(E_i)\]

where \(\{E_i\}_{i \ge 1}\) is a countable covering of \(A\) in \(\mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})\), i.e., \(E_i \in \mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})\) and \(A \subseteq \cup_{i \ge 1} E_i\). And the function \(\pi^*\) is defined as the inf value for all possible covering of \(A\).

Proof: \(\pi^* : \mathscr{P}(\Omega) to [0,1]\) is an outer measure.

Step 2

Define a set \(\mathscr{M}\) (measurable subset). If \(A \in \mathscr{M}\), then \(\forall E \subseteq \Omega, \pi^*(E) = \pi^*(E \cap A) + \pi^*(E \cap A^c)\).

  • we can prove it satisfies \(\mathscr{M}\) is an \(\sigma\)-algebra and \(\mathscr{M} \supseteq \mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})\)

  • Thus \(\mathscr{M} \supseteq \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{S})\).

Step 3

Consider \(\pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{M}}: \mathscr{M} \to [0,\infty]\).

  • it satisfies \(\pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{M}}\) is \(\sigma\)-additive

  • it satisfies \(\pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{A}(\mathscr{S})} = \nu\)

Step 4

For any two \(\mu_1, \mu_2: \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A}) \to [0,\infty]\), if \(\mu_1 \vert_{\mathscr{A}} = \mu_2 \vert_{\mathscr{A}}\), and if \(\Omega\) is \(\sigma\)-finite on \(\mu_1 \vert_{\mathscr{A}} (\text{or } \mu_2 \vert_{\mathscr{A}})\), then

\[\mu_1 = \mu_2\]


If \(\Omega\) is \(\sigma\)-finite on \(\mu: \mathscr{C} \to [0,\infty]\), it means

\[\exists \text{ countable } \{E_j\}_{j=1}^{\infty}, E_j \in \mathscr{C}, E_j \uparrow \Omega, \text{ and } \mu(E_j) < \infty \forall j < \infty\]

Monotone Class

Define, \(\mathscr{G} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\Omega)\) is a monotone class if and only of

(i) \(A_j \in \mathscr{G} \forall j \ge 1\) and \(A_j \subseteq A_{j+1} \quad \implies \quad \cup_{j \ge 1}A_j \in \mathscr{G}\).

(ii) \(B_j \in \mathscr{G} \forall j \ge 1\) and \(B_j \supseteq B_{j+1} \quad \implies \quad \cap_{j \ge 1}B_j \in \mathscr{G}\).


  • \(\mathscr{G}_{\alpha}\) is monotone class, where \(\alpha \in I\) and \(I\) is any index set. Then \(\cap_{\alpha \in I} \mathscr{G}_{\alpha}\) is a monotone class.

  • So we can talk about the smallest monotone class \(\mathscr{M}(\mathscr{C})\) generated by a class \(\mathscr{C}\) (contain \(\mathscr{C}\)).


Given algebra \(\mathscr{A} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\Omega)\), then

\[\mathscr{M}(\mathscr{A}) = \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A})\]


Given \(\nu: \mathscr{A} \to [0,\infty]\) and \(\Omega\) is \(\nu\) \(\sigma\)-finite. Then there is an unique extantion \(\pi: \mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A}): [0,\infty]\) with \(\pi(A) = \nu(A) \forall A \in \mathscr{A}\). We define

\[\begin{align} \pi^*&: \mathscr{P}(\Omega) \to [0,\infty]\\ \pi^*(A) &= \inf_{\{E_i\}} \sum_{i \ge 1} \nu(E_i) \end{align}\]

where \(\{E_i\}\) is covering of \(A\). Then

\[\pi = \pi^* \vert_{\mathscr{F}(\mathscr{A})}\]
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