PLL Typical Architecture
PLL Typical Architecture
Type-I PLL
The PLL using XOR as PD is an example of type-I PLL, since there is only one integrator (the VCO) in the loop.
XOR is called PD since phase detectos produce little information if thet sense unequal frequencies at their inputs.
The PLL using PFD/CP is an example of type-II PLL, since there are two integrators in the loop.
The PLL open-loop transfer function is
\[G(s) = \dfrac{K_d}{N} \cdot F_{LF}(s) \cdot \dfrac{K_{VCO}}{s}\]The VCO phase noise can be expressed by
\[\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_{VCO}(f_m) &= \dfrac{10^{FOM_{VCO}/10}}{P_{VCO}/1mW} \cdot \dfrac{f_{VCO}^2}{f_m^2} \end{align}\]The noise transfer function from VCO to the PLL output is
\[H_{VCO}(s) = \dfrac{1}{1+G(s)}\]Thus the PLL output noise caused VCO can be calculated as
\[\begin{align} \sigma_{t,VCO}^2 &= \dfrac{1}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathcal{L}_{VCO} (f_m) \cdot |H_{VCO}(j2\pi f_m)|^2 df_m \end{align}\]The CP current noise is
\[\begin{align} S_{i,CP} &= 8 kT \gamma g_m \cdot (\tau_{PD}/T_{ref})\\ &= 8kT \gamma \cdot (2 I_{CP}/V_{ov}) \cdot (\tau_{PD}/T_{ref}) \end{align}\]The power of CP is
\[P_{CP} = I_{CP} V_{dd} \cdot (\tau_{PD}/T_{ref}) = I_{CP}V_{dd}\tau_{PD} \cdot f_{ref}\]The in-band phase noise caused by CP is
\[\begin{align} S_{\phi,in-band,CP} &\approx \dfrac{S_{i,CP}}{(K_d/N)^2}\\ &= \dfrac{N^2 f_{ref}^2}{P_{CP}} \cdot \Bigg\{ \tau_{PD}^2 \cdot \dfrac{64\pi^2 kT \gamma V_{dd}}{V_{ov}} \Bigg\} \end{align}\]The output in-band phase noise caused by CP can be expressed by
\[\mathcal{L}_{CP} = \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot S_{\phi,in-band,CP} = \dfrac{10^{FOM_{CP}/10}}{P_{CP}/1mW} \cdot \bigg(\dfrac{f_{out}}{1 Hz}\bigg)^2\]The noise transfer function from CP to the PLL output is
\[H_{CP}(s) = \dfrac{G(s)}{1+G(s)}\]and the PLL output noise caused by CP can be calculated as
\[\sigma_{t,CP}^2 = \dfrac{1}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathcal{L}_{CP} \cdot |H_{CP}(j2\pi f_m)|^2 df_m\]Optimal Bandwidth
\[\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}} &= \dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}}(f_r) \cdot f_r^2}{f_m^2}\\ \sigma_{t,\mathrm{VCO}}^2 &= \dfrac{1}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}} \cdot \Big| \dfrac{1}{1+G(j2\pi f_m)} \Big|^2 df_m \end{align}\]Assuming a given open-loop transfer function \(G_0(s)\) that results in a closed-loop transfer function with a 3-dB bandwidth of \(f_{c,0}\), scaling the bandwidth to \(f_c\) while keeping the same shape (thus the phase margin) results in a new
\[G(s) = G_{0}(s \cdot \dfrac{f_{c,0}}{f_c})\]then
\[\sigma_{t,\mathrm{VCO}}^2 = \dfrac{2 \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}}(f_r)\cdot f_r^2}{f_{out}^2} \cdot \dfrac{f_{c,0}}{f_c} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \Big| \dfrac{1}{s\cdot [1+G_0(s)]} \Big|^2 df\]Also, use
\[\begin{align} \sigma_{t,\mathrm{Loop}}^2 &= \dfrac{1}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{Loop}} \cdot \Big| \dfrac{G(j2\pi f_m)}{1+G(j2\pi f_m)} \Big|^2 df_m\\ &= \dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{Loop}}}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \dfrac{f_c}{f_{c,0}} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \Big| \dfrac{G_0(s)}{1+G_0(s)} \Big|^2 df \end{align}\]Thus
\[f_{c,opt} = \sqrt{\dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}}(f_r)\cdot f_r^2}{\mathcal{L}_{Loop}}} \cdot 2\pi \cdot \sqrt{f_{c,0}^2 \cdot \dfrac{\int_{0}^{\infty}\big|\dfrac{1}{s\cdot[1+G_0(s)]}\big|^2 df}{\int_{0}^{\infty} \big|\dfrac{G_0(s)}{1+G_0(s)}\big|^2 df}}\]then
\[\sigma_{t,\mathrm{PLL,min}}^2 = 2 \sqrt{\dfrac{2 \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}}(f_r)\cdot f_r^2}{f_{out}^2} \cdot \dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{Loop}}}{2\pi^2 f_{out}^2} \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty} \big|\dfrac{G_0(s)}{1+G_0(s)}\big|^2 df \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty}\big|\dfrac{1}{s\cdot[1+G_0(s)]}\big|^2 df}\]use
\[\begin{align} \dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{VCO}}(f_r) \cdot f_r^2}{f_{out}^2} &= \dfrac{10^{\mathrm{FOM_{VCO}}/10}}{P_{\mathrm{VCO}}/1 \mathrm{mW}}\\ \dfrac{\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{Loop}}}{f_{out}^2} &= \dfrac{10^{\mathrm{FOM_{Loop}}/10}}{P_{\mathrm{Loop}}/1 \mathrm{mW}} \end{align}\]then
\[\sigma_{t,\mathrm{PLL,min}}^2 = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{P_{\mathrm{Loop}}\cdot P_{\mathrm{VCO}}}} \cdot 10^{(\mathrm{FOM_{Loop}+FOM_{VCO}})/20} \cdot \sqrt{\int_{0}^{\infty} \big|\dfrac{G_0(s)}{1+G_0(s)}\big|^2 df \cdot \int_{0}^{\infty}\big|\dfrac{1}{s\cdot[1+G_0(s)]}\big|^2 df} \cdot \dfrac{2}{\pi} \cdot \dfrac{1mW}{1Hz}\]Then with a given power budget, the optimal is \(P_{Loop}=P_{VCO}\)