Home PLL 02

PLL 02

Paper Multirate Timestamp Modeling for Ultralow-Jitter Frequency Synthesis: A Tutorial

  • High-bandwidth PLL (\(\ge 30 \% f_{ref}\)).
  • ADPLL with TDC and digitial loop filter.
  • Injection locking or charge-sharing locking oscillator.

01 (a) Conceptual multirate timestamp model suitable for a high-bandwidth PLL. (b) Implementation details of the ADPLL blocks (ADC-based TDC and digital loop filter) that convert \(\Delta t_{err}[n]\) into \(\Delta T_{corr}[n]\).

03 Multirate timestamp model of CSL or IL oscillators.


Paper A Comprehensive Phase Noise Analysis of Bang-Bang Digital PLLs

  • Bang-bang DPLL.

05 Bang-bang DPLL multirate time-domain model.

06 Linearized time-variant bang-bang DPLL model.


Paper A multiple-crystal interface PLL with VCO realignment to reduce phase noise

  • Phase realignment (injection) PLL.
  • MDLL
  • It exhibits quite a good agreement when the frequency ratio \(N\) is large (e.g., \(N > 10\)) and the realigning factor (i.e., injection strength) \(\beta\) is small (e.g., \(\beta < 0.2\)), but it cannot predict the phase noise folding.

Paper A Charge-Sharing Locking Technique With a General Phase Noise Theory of Injection Locking

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