
Paper A Charge-Sharing Locking Technique With a General Phase Noise Theory of Injection Locking

From Robert Bogdan Staszewski Group’s Paper Phase Noise of Charges-Sharing Locking Timestamps of Oscillator and Reference [\begin{align} t_{ref}[n] &= n T_{ref} + \Delta t_{ref}[n] t_{osc}...

PLL 02

Paper Multirate Timestamp Modeling for Ultralow-Jitter Frequency Synthesis: A Tutorial High-bandwidth PLL (\(\ge 30 \% f_{ref}\)). ADPLL with TDC and digitial loop filter. Injection locki...

Laplace Transforms

Heaviside step function [u(t) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ for } \quad t > 0, 0 & \text{ for } \quad t \le 0 \end{cases}] \(H(s)\) \(h(t)\) \(\text{init co...

Measure Theory 04

Caratheodory’s Extension Theorem We already know given a \(\sigma\)-additive \(\mu: \mathscr{S} \to [0,\infty]\), there is an unique extension to an algebra with \(\sigma\)-additive \(\nu: \math...

Measure Theory 03

Set Functions Additive Given \(\mathscr{C} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\Omega)\) and \(\emptyset \in \mathscr{C}\). The function \(\mu: \mathscr{C} \to \mathbb{R}_+ \cup \{\infty\}\) is additive, if ...

Measure Theory 02

Classes of Subsets Semi-Algebras Definition: \(\mathscr{S} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(\Omega)\) is a semi-algebra, if and only if: (i) \(\Omega \in \mathscr{S}\) (ii) \(A, B \in \mathscr{S} \impli...

Measure Theory 01

Introdution: A Non-Measurable Set Can we define a measure on \(\mathbb{R}\), such that it works on all the subsets of \(\mathbb{R}\)? (i) \(\lambda: \mathfrak{P}(\mathbb{R}) \to \mathbb{R}_+ \c...

Probability: Theory and Examples 01

From book_probability_theory_and_examples Measure Theory Probability Spaces Here and throughout the book, terms being defined are set in boldface. Here and in what follows, countable means fini...

Topics in The Theory of Random Noise 01

From book_topics_in_the_theory_of_random_noise Chapter 1: Random Functions and Their Statistical Characteristics 1. Random Variables A random variable $\xi$ should have definition mean of any fu...

Oscillator Phase Noise: A Tutorial

From Ali Hajimiri’s Paper [h_{\phi}(t,\tau) = \dfrac{\Gamma(\omega_0 \tau)}{q_{max}} u(t-\tau)] [\mathcal{L}(\Delta \omega) = \dfrac{\dfrac{\overline{i_n^2}}{\Delta f} \Gamma_{rms}^2}{2 q_{max}^2...